Friday 9 December 2011

18. What invention would the world be better off without, and why? (Kalamazoo)

One invention that the world would surely be better of without is the air conditioner. When it came out people were overjoyed. No longer would they have to sweat in the scorching heat of the sun. It would be a new life for them. They could sit back and relax in their houses or take afternoon siestas. The air conditioner spread far and wide and people in cold countries also started to buy it, sometimes just as a status symbol. But the air conditioner had a lot of negative effects. In todays world electricity is needed more than anything else. People need it in all aspects of life. Everything that we use in our daily life runs on electricity. But this electricity is produced from natural resources and renewable resources. The natural resources are slowly getting exhausted. Thus the availability of electricity is going down. Air conditioners are one of the largest consumers of electricity and as they are not a necessity, air conditioners should never have been invented. They are just an added luxury without which people can easily live. It has also changed a person's lifestyle. No longer are we human outdoor people as we used to be. There are air conditioners in malls, cars, houses and offices. Thus we don't want to go out in the sun and sweat. THe hard working lifestyle has gone. People prefer traveling in private cars or cabs which have air conditioners. Thus they use less of public transport which indirectly leads to more of pollution and traffic jam. People also have more chances of catching cold due to air conditioner rather than the cold weather. It has also been proven that excess use of air conditioner causes adverse effects to the body which can be harmful in the later run leading to unseen diseases. Thus it is safe to conclude that air conditioners were an invention that the world would have been better of without.

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