Friday 16 December 2011

149. Select any issue that is of importance to you and discuss your views. (New College of University of South Florida)

An issue that is of a lot of importance to me is that of education. I have had good education thanks to my parents and want to get into a good college. All over the world there are several children who have been denied access to education. These children have been forced to do menial job and never use their own potential to the fullest. For me life without education is no life at all. Thus I cannot imagine the life that the uneducated people have to live. These people are as human as us and thus deserve the opportunity to basic education at the least. Education helps broaden a person’s perspective of the world. It makes a person presentable, helps him or her get a job and earn money. The fact that a large part of today’s population is uneducated is a clear indication of the need for reforms. An educated population is an asset to the country while an uneducated population is a liability. The government must address the issue of education, as every person deserves it. Knowledge is wealth and a person who has it, is already rich. Those who have access to education should be proud of it and not waste their time. They do not realize how lucky they are as they have never even dreamt of a life without education. Education also helps a person to think out of the box and thus do wonderful stuff. All the various inventions that we use are because of individuals who were able to use their knowledge to invent something that would help the world. Thus if every person in the world is educated, there is no doubt that the world will see many more wonderful inventions. All this can help us in the future solving financial as well as environmental problems. Education is not just something that will get you a job but is much more. So it is time we appreciate it.

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